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The Wicked Witch of the West Cosplay Kostym Karneval

The Wicked Witch of the West Cosplay Kostym Karneval(YDC282)

List Price:  Skr1,260  
Vårt Pris:
26% OFF

The story is based on a mysterious country full of wizards, witches, magic and spells, telling a wonderful story. The Flickor met for the first time at the University of Sith: the popular blonde, Glinda, and the unexplored green girl, Elphaba, forged friendships between two seemingly impossible friends. However, in the face of the mysterious wizard of Oz, their friendship went to the intersection, the road of life is different från this. Glinda is obsessed with her fame, enthralled by her rights; Elphaba is determined to remain true to her heart, and everything around her will create an unexpected and shocking consequence of her future ...
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